Source code for googledatastore.helper

# Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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"""googledatastore helper."""

import calendar
import datetime
import logging
import os

import httplib2
from oauth2client import client
from oauth2client import gce
from googledatastore import connection
from googledatastore.connection import datastore_v1_pb2

__all__ = [

[docs]def get_credentials_from_env(): """Get datastore credentials from the environment. Try and fallback on the following credentials in that order: - Google APIs Signed JWT credentials based on DATASTORE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT and DATASTORE_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE environment variables - Compute Engine service account - No credentials (development server) Returns: datastore credentials. """ # If DATASTORE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT and DATASTORE_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE # environment variables are defined: use Google APIs Console Service # Accounts (signed JWT). Note that the corresponding service account # should be an admin of the datastore application. service_account = os.getenv('DATASTORE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT') key_path = os.getenv('DATASTORE_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE') if service_account and key_path: with open(key_path, 'rb') as f: key = credentials = client.SignedJwtAssertionCredentials( service_account, key, connection.SCOPE)'connecting using DatastoreSignedJwtCredentials') return credentials try: # Fallback on getting Compute Engine credentials from the metadata server # to connect to the datastore service. Note that the corresponding # service account should be an admin of the datastore application. credentials = gce.AppAssertionCredentials(connection.SCOPE) http = httplib2.Http() credentials.authorize(http) # Force first credentials refresh to detect if we are running on # Compute Engine. credentials.refresh(http)'connecting using compute credentials') return credentials except (client.AccessTokenRefreshError, httplib2.HttpLib2Error): # Fallback on no credentials if no DATASTORE_ environment # variables are defined and Compute Engine auth failed. Note that # it will only authorize calls to the development server.'connecting using no credentials') return None
def get_dataset_from_env(): """Get datastore dataset_id from the environment. Try and fallback on the following sources in that order: - DATASTORE_DATASET environment variables - Cloud Project ID from Compute Engine metadata server. - None Returns: datastore dataset id. """ # If DATASTORE_DATASET environment variable is defined return it. dataset_id = os.getenv('DATASTORE_DATASET') if dataset_id: return dataset_id # Fallback on returning the Cloud Project ID from Compute Engine # metadata server. try: _, content = httplib2.Http().request( 'http://metadata/computeMetadata/v1/project/project-id', headers={'X-Google-Metadata-Request': 'True'}) return content except httplib2.HttpLib2Error: return None
[docs]def add_key_path(key_proto, *path_elements): """Add path elements to the given datastore.Key proto message. Args: key_proto: datastore.Key proto message. path_elements: list of ancestors to add to the key. (kind1, id1/name1, ..., kindN, idN/nameN), the last 2 elements represent the entity key, if no terminating id/name: they key will be an incomplete key. Raises: TypeError: the given id or name has the wrong type. Returns: the same datastore.Key. Usage: >>> add_key_path(key_proto, 'Kind', 'name') # no parent, with name datastore.Key(...) >>> add_key_path(key_proto, 'Kind2', 1) # no parent, with id datastore.Key(...) >>> add_key_path(key_proto, 'Kind', 'name', 'Kind2', 1) # parent, complete datastore.Key(...) >>> add_key_path(key_proto, 'Kind', 'name', 'Kind2') # parent, incomplete datastore.Key(...) """ for i in range(0, len(path_elements), 2): pair = path_elements[i:i+2] elem = key_proto.path_element.add() elem.kind = pair[0] if len(pair) == 1: return # incomplete key id_or_name = pair[1] if isinstance(id_or_name, (int, long)): = id_or_name elif isinstance(id_or_name, basestring): = id_or_name else: raise TypeError( 'Expected an integer id or string name as argument %d; ' 'received %r (a %s).' % (i + 2, id_or_name, type(id_or_name))) return key_proto
[docs]def add_properties(entity_proto, property_dict, indexed=None): """Add values to the given datastore.Entity proto message. Args: entity_proto: datastore.Entity proto message. property_dict: a dictionary from property name to either a python object or datastore.Value. indexed: if the property values should be indexed. None leaves indexing as is (defaults to True if value is a python object). Usage: >>> add_properties(proto, {'foo': u'a', 'bar': [1, 2]}) Raises: TypeError: if a given property value type is not supported. """ for name, value in property_dict.iteritems(): set_property(, name, value, indexed)
[docs]def set_property(property_proto, name, value, indexed=None): """Set property value in the given datastore.Property proto message. Args: property_proto: datastore.Property proto message. name: name of the property. value: python object or datastore.Value. indexed: if the value should be indexed. None leaves indexing as is (defaults to True if value is a python object). Usage: >>> set_property(property_proto, 'foo', u'a') Raises: TypeError: if the given value type is not supported. """ property_proto.Clear() = name set_value(property_proto.value, value, indexed)
[docs]def set_value(value_proto, value, indexed=None): """Set the corresponding datastore.Value _value field for the given arg. Args: value_proto: datastore.Value proto message. value: python object or datastore.Value. (unicode value will set a datastore string value, str value will set a blob string value). Undefined behavior if value is/contains value_proto. indexed: if the value should be indexed. None leaves indexing as is (defaults to True if value is not a Value message). Raises: TypeError: if the given value type is not supported. """ value_proto.Clear() if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): for sub_value in value: set_value(value_proto.list_value.add(), sub_value, indexed) return # do not set indexed for a list property. if isinstance(value, datastore_v1_pb2.Value): value_proto.MergeFrom(value) elif isinstance(value, unicode): value_proto.string_value = value elif isinstance(value, str): value_proto.blob_value = value elif isinstance(value, bool): value_proto.boolean_value = value elif isinstance(value, int): value_proto.integer_value = value elif isinstance(value, long): # Proto will complain if the value is too large. value_proto.integer_value = value elif isinstance(value, float): value_proto.double_value = value elif isinstance(value, datetime.datetime): value_proto.timestamp_microseconds_value = to_timestamp_usec(value) elif isinstance(value, datastore_v1_pb2.Key): value_proto.key_value.CopyFrom(value) elif isinstance(value, datastore_v1_pb2.Entity): value_proto.entity_value.CopyFrom(value) else: raise TypeError('value type: %r not supported' % (value,)) if isinstance(indexed, bool) and indexed: value_proto.ClearField('indexed') # The default is true. elif indexed is not None: value_proto.indexed = indexed
[docs]def get_value(value_proto): """Gets the python object equivalent for the given value proto. Args: value_proto: datastore.Value proto message. Returns: the corresponding python object value. timestamps are converted to datetime, and datastore.Value is returned for blob_key_value. """ for f in ('string_value', 'blob_value', 'boolean_value', 'integer_value', 'double_value', 'key_value', 'entity_value'): if value_proto.HasField(f): return getattr(value_proto, f) if value_proto.HasField('timestamp_microseconds_value'): return from_timestamp_usec(value_proto.timestamp_microseconds_value) if value_proto.HasField('blob_key_value'): return value_proto if value_proto.list_value: return [get_value(sub_value) for sub_value in value_proto.list_value] return None
[docs]def get_property_dict(entity_proto): """Convert datastore.Entity to a dict of property name -> datastore.Value. Args: entity_proto: datastore.Entity proto message. Usage: >>> get_property_dict(entity_proto) {'foo': {string_value='a'}, 'bar': {integer_value=2}} Returns: dict of entity properties. """ return dict((, p.value) for p in
[docs]def set_kind(query_proto, kind): """Set the kind constraint for the given datastore.Query proto message.""" del query_proto.kind[:] query_proto.kind.add().name = kind
[docs]def add_property_orders(query_proto, *orders): """Add ordering constraint for the given datastore.Query proto message. Args: query_proto: datastore.Query proto message. orders: list of propertype name string, default to ascending order and set descending if prefixed by '-'. Usage: >>> add_property_orders(query_proto, 'foo') # sort by foo asc >>> add_property_orders(query_proto, '-bar') # sort by bar desc """ for order in orders: proto = query_proto.order.add() if order[0] == '-': order = order[1:] proto.direction = datastore_v1_pb2.PropertyOrder.DESCENDING = order
[docs]def add_projection(query_proto, *projection): """Add projection properties to the given datatstore.Query proto message.""" for p in projection: proto = query_proto.projection.add() = p
[docs]def set_property_filter(filter_proto, name, op, value): """Set property filter contraint in the given datastore.Filter proto message. Args: filter_proto: datastore.Filter proto message name: property name op: datastore.PropertyFilter.Operation value: property value Returns: the same datastore.Filter. Usage: >>> set_property_filter(filter_proto, 'foo', ... datastore.PropertyFilter.EQUAL, 'a') # WHERE 'foo' = 'a' """ filter_proto.Clear() pf = filter_proto.property_filter = name pf.operator = op set_value(pf.value, value) return filter_proto
[docs]def set_composite_filter(filter_proto, op, *filters): """Set composite filter contraint in the given datastore.Filter proto message. Args: filter_proto: datastore.Filter proto message op: datastore.CompositeFilter.Operation filters: vararg list of datastore.Filter Returns: the same datastore.Filter. Usage: >>> set_composite_filter(filter_proto, datastore.CompositeFilter.AND, ... set_property_filter(datastore.Filter(), ...), ... set_property_filter(datastore.Filter(), ...)) # WHERE ... AND ... """ filter_proto.Clear() cf = filter_proto.composite_filter cf.operator = op for f in filters: cf.filter.add().CopyFrom(f) return filter_proto
_EPOCH = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0)
[docs]def from_timestamp_usec(timestamp): """Convert microsecond timestamp to datetime.""" return _EPOCH + datetime.timedelta(microseconds=timestamp)
[docs]def to_timestamp_usec(dt): """Convert datetime to microsecond timestamp. Args: dt: a timezone naive datetime. Returns: a microsecond timestamp as a long. Raises: TypeError: if a timezone aware datetime was provided. """ if dt.tzinfo: # this is an "aware" datetime with an explicit timezone. Throw an error. raise TypeError('Cannot store a timezone aware datetime. ' 'Convert to UTC and store the naive datetime.') return long(calendar.timegm(dt.timetuple()) * 1000000L) + dt.microsecond